

Baba Harnam Singh ji

Baba Nand Singh ji

Baba Ishar Singh ji

Sri Sachkhand Sahib


Holy Education
Turban to Baba ji
Sarover Seva
Maryada of Nanaksar
Dear hug of Baba ji
Selfless Service by Baba ji
Baba ji Start Spreading Holy Message

Selfless Service by Baba Ji

Once Baba Nand Singh ji was returning back from Dam Dama Sahib (Bathinda) to Nanaksar after attending Baisakhi function. It was blowing hot enroute. He came out of the car, went and stood under a tree. Other people in the   encourage also stopped their cars. There was no place to sit.  Baba Ishar Singh ji hurriedly prepared a small platform of earth and spread his shirt on it. When Baba Nand Singh expressed his desire to drink water, Baba Ishar Singh ji picked up the metallic pitcher and ran to fetch water. There was no village near by and   it was a desolate countryside. At last he reached a well where the water surface was very deep. There was neither a rope nor a pail to take out water with. He at once tore his turban, tied its end to end and managed to pull out a pot of water. He rushed back and served it to Baba ji.
He went through yet another test. Baba Nand Singh ji expressed, desire for a meal through sign language. Baba Ishar Singh ji ran towards the car. One of the ministrel (Ragi) had kept some flour for fixing it on his percussion instrument called ‘Jodi’, He hurriedly kneaded the flour. Now he had no hot plate to bake   chapaties.  A farmer with a spade on his shoulder was walking by. He borrowed the spade from him and dug out a pathole to light fire in it. He cleaned up the blade of the spade and used it as a hot plate for baking chapaties. He served hot chapaties to Baba ji who blessed him with Divine happiness.
Thus Baba Ishar Singh ji served Baba Nand Singh ji through myriad difficulties ignoring his own comforts, happiness, conveniences, sleep, hunger, laziness etc. His loving devotion is an example of selfless service in itself.
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